The Only Adult Milkshake Recipe You Will Ever Need


Cason and I went to Boca Grande last weekend and fell in love with an adult milkshake called The Hummer. It was literally the most delicious (yummy, refreshing, tasty...I could keep listing adjectives here but I think you get it) thing I've ever tasted and I've been trying to duplicate it ever since. This boozy ice cream drink has apparently been around for years but I'm just now finding out about it and of course, sharing with y'all! We played around with our liquor to ice cream ratio and I think we've finally settled on the recipe that tastes JUST like the one we had in Florida. 


:: 2 pints of good-quality vanilla ice cream (Any ole' vanilla won't do.) 
:: 1 1/2 oz. of Kahlua
:: 1 1/2 oz. of light rum

Step 1 | Add all ingredients to blender. Tip: We did find that the milkshake tastes 10x better with a good-qaulity vanilla. The flavor and overall taste is WAY better so splurge a little! 

Step 2 | Pour into glass and enjoy! (This recipe makes around 2-3 large milkshakes or 4 small shakes.) 

That's it! The recipe really is that easy and so so so good. It's 90 degrees outside AND Friday- I say whip one of these up and let summer commence. 
